I live with my husband of 36 years on a 33 acre farm in Northern Kentucky. This blog is my thoughts on getting by, living as a Christian woman and anything else that I would like for my children and grandchildren to remember.
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Snow Day
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Last weekend I created a Homemaking Journal. I think I am really liking it. It made it so much easier to get up, look at the journal and see what I need to be doing that day. I made a list of chores for the morning and the evening. They have to be things that can be done quickly, before I leave for work or after I get home. I work 7.5 hours a day and drive an hour each way. That makes 9.5 hours a day that I am away from home. You would think that my house wouldn't get messy since we aren't home. But we are home just long enough to make a mess. This week the house stayed fairly clean.
I also am planning a menu for the week and am doing a lot of the prep before I leave for work. That is really helping, also.
The new chickens are growing fast. We think we may have a few roosters in the bunch. We ordered only hens so I think I will have to call the hatchery. Maybe they can replace them when we order again.
I am attending a class on Photo shop tomorrow. I am really excited about that. Also, it's a day out of the office. There has been a lot of tension there lately. So that will be a little break.
Next Saturday we are going to take Lily home with us for the day. April is painting the inside of her house and needs us to watch Lily. That will be fun for us. I am going to make sure I have the whole day free so I can just sit and hold her. I haven't seen her for 2 weeks and I am really missing her.
May you have the hindsight to know where you've been
the foresight to know where you're going
and the insight to know when you're going too far.
Friday, January 16, 2009
To cure myself I think I'll spend some time this weekend planning my garden, looking over seed catalogs, and hopefully ordering seeds. This time every year my thoughts turn to preparing for spring.
Our new chickens are growing and are doing well. It is time to start thinking about letting them out some. They should start laying in March. And we will be selling those eggs at the Farmers market this year. We have to order our egg washer and more cartons. Also, we need to get a banner made to hang under our tent. I will have to start trying to make a logo for our farm. Hopefully I'll get that done soon.
I hope you all have a great weekend with your families.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Wood Heat
I know it is a lot more work for Greg, and I do appreciate all the work he's doing to keep me warm. I am a southern girl and I can't take being cold.
It is really helping our budget. I have been working on other budget cuts, also. I guess every one is working on budget cuts. Here are some things I do to help the budget:
Have chickens for eggs
Grow most of our vegetables
Make most of my own cleaners
Make laundry detergent and use it every-other load
Cook most of our meals from scratch
Pack lunches for work
Almost never use paper towels
Recycle soda cans
Use coupons and buy when things are on sale
We ride together to work at least 4 days a week but usually 5 days
Turn off lights we aren't using
Use Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs
Use leftovers
Use as few garbage bags as possible (this is a pet peeve of mine, buying garbage bags just to fill them and send them to the dump)
I am also considering going on the envelope system. I think I will try this out next pay period to see how it works. I used it for Christmas gifts and thought it worked really well.
I would love to hear other ideas on cutting back.
By the way I am feeling much better now that I have had my treatment. I am good to go for another 4 weeks.
I am falling in love with Irish Blessings. Here is one for today.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Resolution & Update
It has been a really great Christmas season here. The kids were here until Saturday. Then Monday it was back to work after 2 weeks off. It really is hard to get back in the swing of things. I think some of that is because I didn't have my treatment last week when it was due. My nurse was on vacation and so was I. I will have it this Thursday and I am really ready for it. I have Gaucher's disease and am on enzyme replacement therapy. I have an IV treatment every 4 weeks that last 3.5 hours. By the time the 4th week rolls around I start running out of juice. It has been 5 weeks since my last one and with being so busy with the kids, I am really tired now. If you are interested in learning about Gaucher's here is a link: http://www.gaucherdisease.org/what_is.php

This is a picture of Dixie (3 yrs) and Lily (8 weeks). We had their pictures taken while Dixie was here for Christmas! Dixie belongs to my son Daniel & his wife Larissa, Lily is my daughter April's and her husband Pete. They are the most precious and beautiful things I have ever seen! (Okay, I know every grandmother says the same thing!)
I hope you have a great week!
May the road rise up to meet you.May the wind be always at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face;the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,may God hold you in the palm of His hand.