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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Whats Going On

I have been pretty busy at work this week, so when I get home I really don't feel like being on the computer. I have also not been doing very well at staying on top of the house work this week. This week end I intend to do a lot of cleaning, baking and cooking.

We do have to go to the court house this week end and see about getting a tax ID # to sell at the farmers market. This may be a deal breaker for us selling at the market. We will have to see what all this entails. I think we can still do well selling the eggs from home.

We sold some of our goats and have had one that isn't doing too well. We have given him shots from the vet so now we just wait and see.

I ordered the book "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day". The recipes look really good and I am going to make up a batch this weekend. I have tasted 2 of the breads from this book and they are really good. There is no kneading involved so I am excited about that. I just don't have the patience to knead bread for 10 minutes.

Maybe I'll have more time, and energy, to post more this week end.


“May flowers always line your path and sunshine light your day.
May songbirds serenade you every step along the way.
May a rainbow run beside you in a sky that's always blue.
And may happiness fill your heart each day your whole life through.”

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Egg House

We have decided to take one of the sheds and turn it into an egg house/canning kitchen. We are going to rip out everything in it. Dry wall the walls, put cabinets in it with countertops, a sink, refrigerator and a stove top.

We will use it to process the egss before we take them to the farmers market and to do all of the canning in. I am really excited about it. I will be able to keep all of that out of my kitchen in the house.

We are looking on craigs list for the things we need. We are going to look at a gas stove top tomorrow. I will be able to use my pressure canner on the it, I can't use it on my smooth top in the kitchen.

It does mean rearranging my freezers but I think that will work out better too.

I'll try to post pictures as we go.


Friday, February 13, 2009

The Weekend is Here!

Finally, Friday! I decided a few years ago that I would quit wishing away my life. You know, not start wishing it was Friday on Monday. I have been able to keep to that decision pretty well. However, I still get really excited when Friday rolls around.

At my old job in Florida, my FedEx man pointed out to me once, when I told him the week-end wasn't long, that there are 48 hours in a week-end and I only have to work 40 hours in a week. He was right. Why is it then that I get so excited when the weekend rolls around? It could be because I get to spend so much time with my sweet husband, or that I get to be home (the most wonderful place in the world), that I get to have time to work around my house, cook, and do whatever I want. This weekend I get to babysit Lily, that is exciting, too. I will be glad to see her.

I think being excited about the weekend is healthy, but I still refuse to wish my life away. I hope you all have a great weekend and a happy Valentine's day!

May the grace of God’s protection
And His great love abide
Within your home-within the hearts
Of all who dwell inside.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Depressing News

When I got home from work today, there was a letter from our insurance company. I guess our doctor has gotten tired of our insurance company and dropped them. We have to find new a doctor and the worst part is, there aren't any that are really close to us.

Most of them are in Ohio. I really don't want to drive 64 miles to go to the doctor. There are a couple that are only about 40 miles away, but that is still a haul. Every time I need to go to the doctor I am going to have to take at least 1/2 day off work.

Oh well, I guess it could be worse. At least Tricare makes my share of my treatments really small. Tricare is billed $95,000.00 each month for my treatments and I only pay around$70.00. The problem is they don't pay the doctors very well. $45,000.00 of that is written off as non allowable charges. You know with the doctors it's all about the money.

Just had to vent. I'm all better now.


'Tis better to buy a small bouquet
And give to your friend this very day,
Than a bushel of roses white and red
To lay on his coffin after he's dead.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Housekeeping Journal

I didn't do so well with the housekeeping journal this week. It was the week of my treatment and I was tired so I didn't get as much done.

I am finding that I really like it, even if I didn't follow it every day this week. It's really nice to have a menu planned for the entire week. Cooking doesn't seem to take as much time and meals are planned with leftovers for lunches. That kills 2 birds with one stone.

Today was shopping day and the menu helped with that, too. I knew what I had and what I needed. I wound up saving 32%. That is a lot lower than I use to do, but not bad for just getting back in the swing of things. I had over $20.00 worth of coupons and Body wash rang up wrong, so I got 1 free and then had $1.00 coupon on each one so I got 2 for $1.00. That was a deal.

I love it when Kroger sends me coupons for free stuff. Today I had one for free tomatoes and one for $2.50 off beef, when I bought $10.00 worth.

Add all of those savings to the money I didn't spend buying things I didn't need and I would say today was a success. Thanks to my housekeeping journal!

May you have the hindsight
to know where you've been
the foresight
to know where you're going
and the insight
to know when you're going too far.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


We lost a goat over the weekend. I know that it is going to happen, but I always hate it when it does. I hate it for Greg, he really hates when one dies. He feels as if he is to blame, but sometimes things just weren't meant to be. Some animals are just not as strong as others and their immune systems are not the same. Some animals look very healthy and they are not. I guess it's the same with people. The worst part is, it always seems like it's the prettiest ones that die. We are still trying to sell some of them and need to be more proactive in that.

The chickens all seem to be doing well. I still haven't figured out how we got 3 roosters, but I think it will be fun to put one in with the older chickens and see what happens. I hope they will accept him. When it gets warmer we may start putting him in the coop at night and taking him out in the morning. We had a chicken that they almost killed when they were younger. (Chickens definitely have a pecking order.) When I talked to the UK Extension Poultry Specialist he said that if we put her back in the coop at night they may eventually accept her. So after she recuperated, we did that and they did finally accept her. Her name is Reba (because she is a survivor). Chickens are a different sort of creature. Greg says that they only think 2 things. 1-Can I eat it? 2-Can it eat me? I think he's right. Sometimes they almost seem loyal. They'll follow you around the yard like dogs, then you realize they are only following you to see if you'll give them something to eat, or stir up a grasshopper or other insect.

We have had so much snow this week that it seems hard to think about a garden so I haven't done any planning yet. I must get started this weekend.

Have a great day!

May God grant you always...
A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel,
so nothing can harm you.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Free Day

We have another free day. Our church was cancelled because of the snow. Our roads here are pretty bad for older people to be traveling on. But the great thaw has begun. It sounds like it is pouring rain. All the icicles are melting and falling from the roof and all the dripping sounds like rain.

I guess this means I will get all the house cleaning done that I didn't do yesterday because I was babysitting Lily. Of course, I did get a few pictures. She is just so stinking cute! Forgive me for the grandmother babblings.

It was nice to spend the day with her and to help April and Pete at the same time.

I guess I should get back to the cleaning and preparing for next week.
