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Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Update

This was a very busy weekend. We have finally found a building for our new church. It is an older church building that is empty. We cleaned for about 6 hours on Saturday, and still have a lot to do. The basement is full of spiders and crickets. But it at least smells a lot better than it did when we went into it.

Sunday the men went about 2 hours north and bought pews for it. We were there until about 10:00 last night unloading the pews. We will have our Wednesday night service there and do more cleaning and setting up. Then our normal services will start there on Sunday.

I put 7 quarts of tomatoes in the freezer and 7 quarts of corn. I really am getting ready for a pot of soup. The weather is starting to turn here and I am anticipating Fall. I didn't start decorating for fall because we are still painting the dining room. The china hutch is empty and in the middle of the floor. All of it's contents are all over the dining room table, so it just wasn't a good time to decorate. I will do it soon, though.

We have an herb garden at work so Friday I cut a bunch of Rosemary and Sage and a little Basil. I have them hanging in the kitchen drying. I love to put a whole chicken in the crock pot with an onion, some garlic cloves, a couple of sprigs of Rosemary & Sage in the cavity. Salt & pepper on the skin, some red potatoes and carrots underneath the chicken and let that cook all day. It is a great thing to come home to after a long day at work.


And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I know it's only the end of August, but I find myself looking toward fall. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. It's a time when things are winding down. The grass doesn't grow as fast, and doesn't need to mowed as often. Gardens are dwindling, leaves are falling, the air turns cooler and things seem to become more simple and relaxed.

I am already thinking of decorating for fall...pumpkins, corn, leaves. I start thinking of the soups and hearty meals that go so well in the fall. I can't wait for the first pot of chicken soup! It's always nice to come home to a hot meal already prepared and a warm, cozy house.

We are going to the commissary soon, to stock up on things. We haven't been to the commissary in 2 years I think. It will be a nice trip. I am really kind of excited about going. It's always a pleasure to be back in a military environment.

I think I will look at all my fall decorations this weekend and maybe even put out a few. Start changing things around a little just do some general cleaning and puttering about the house.

I hope you have a great weekend!

Friday, August 21, 2009


I recently joined Facebook and I have to say that it is truly amazing how many people want to be your "Friend". People that you forgot about long ago, until you see their name pop up, cousins that you didn't know how to get in touch with, class mates from high school, and friends from churches you no longer attend or have moved away from.

It is really good to reconnect with some of them, but not all. Some just want to see what you've been up to, not really be your "friend". In just a matter of weeks I have 80 friends, I forgot that I even knew that many people. Of course, a lot of them are nieces, nephews and sisters. We have always kept in touch because we have a very close family. But it is really nice to be able to jump on FB and keep up with how everyone is doing on a daily basis.

My sister has been really sick because of our disease and it was very convenient for us to leave each other post about her condition and read the post her daughters left for us.

I even have one friend that I met from reading her blog. I treasure her friendship. I know that seems odd since we have never met, but when you read some one's blog you really get to know their soul. Their thoughts, concerns, priorities and loves. My blog friend has a very sweet soul. I always enjoy reading her blogs and get concerned when I don't see post from her on a regular basis. Not that I think that she should blog every day, but I always hope she does. We all have lives outside of the Internet.

I really want to think about friendship today, friends come into our lives when we don't expect it and sometimes go out of lives just as easily.

One friend we have sticketh closer than a brother, our Lord. He is there always and forever. And best of all will always love us, even when we are unlovable.

The bible also says that to have friends we must show our selves friendly.

Treasure your friends and be a friend today.


A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.Proverbs 18:23-24

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It Seems Like Forever...

since I've posted. We have been through a lot and doing a lot in the last few weeks which has left me little time to post.

I've had a sore throat for over a month now. Hopefully this time will be the last time for a while. I have found out that I probably will not get another treatment until the end of the year. Keep me in your prayers, because even when I get them regularly, I get very run down and tired before the next one. I can't imagine what it will be like to go four months without one.

I feel like I haven't been doing anything to write about, even though I've really been doing a lot. Most of it just wasn't in the garden or around the house.

Work has been busy, we do a lot for our county fair, and now that that is over it's time for school to start and that means the 4-H work gets busy again.

We really didn't do much in the garden this year, our weather would not cooperate with our work schedule, so I have been buying some things from local farmers to put up. I've put up corn, and will buy more to put up, blackberries, from my bushes, blue berries, really cheap at Kroger, and peaches from Georgia.

I still have a lot of vegetables leftover from last year so I am not really worried about putting up too much. Maybe this is my year for a break from canning as much as I did last year.

We are thinking about selling some of our chickens, we have soooooo many eggs. We sell a few but can't keep ahead of the chickens. They are little factories that put out way too much product. We eat eggs almost every day. I usually boil 2 dozen on the weekend for use during the week and we eat fried or scrambled eggs almost every morning for breakfast.

The little chicks that hatched are mixed breeds and they are really kind of ugly. Still cute in a way, I don't know what they will turn out to be, but 2 of them look like they may be green egg layers (if they aren't roosters). We will just wait and see how they turn out.

Have a good day.