I don't know why I never thought of this before. Every other house I have lived in had a pantry and I never had to put much thought into where the food was going to be stored. Maybe after being in this house for 4 years I will finally get it more organized.
Organization is very important when you live in an old farm house that doesn't have any closets and limited storage. I am currently rethinking how I have everything stored. I have done this occasionally since we have lived here and most of the changes I have made I have been very happy with.
This is my new food storage cupboard in the kitchen:
And this is what I did with all of my canning from this year:
I use to keep all of my cookbooks here but they have been moved to a bookcase in the living room. I think it looks pretty to display your home canned goods.
I also cleaned out the freezer in the back porch area and moved a lot of the vegetables that I froze this year out to the large freezer. I kept enough in the smaller one to get us through a few weeks and will replenish it before it gets too cold out.
So teach us to number our days,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom
Psalm 90:12
Hi Mae, It's Sandra (CountryLivingintheCity) from homesteadblogger. Just wanted to come by and say hi at your new blog. I was away for a while. The new blog looks real nice.