It is fair time. We went last night and took April, Pete and Lily. We had so much fun. Lily enjoyed the Merry go Round (it was the only ride she was big enough to ride.) We won her a big teddy bear and ate fair food. It was really hot but was also really fun.
It is also harvesting time. Our peas are coming in faster than I can get them picked, shelled and frozen. The tomatoes are starting to come in. And the Lima beans and green beans are probably ready to be picked again.
So far I have put up 6 bags of corn, 5 bags of green beans, 4 pints of blackberry jelly, 3.5 quarts peach pie filling, one bag of peaches and 3 bags of tomatoes. That really isn't a lot, but we have been eating a lot of what we are picking. I have more tomatoes ready to be canned and some zucchini I need to shred for the freezer. I think I will make chocolate zucchini bars for the freezer, then when we want them we can just thaw them and ice them.
This summer has been really busy and we haven't had a lot of time to put into gardening and canning. We have to go to Louisville this Saturday and then I hope the rest of the weekends in August can be spent at home. There is a lot to do to get ready for winter. Fields need to bush hogged, the garden needs to be finished, flower beds need to be weeded & mulched, and blackberries need to be trimmed and trellised. And I need a few more days to float around in the pool. Oh well! That's life.
Enjoy yours!
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