Our trip down south was a whole lot of fun. On the way down we stopped in Cochran GA, at a little beauty shop called Cuts and Cuties. I had my hair highlighted then walked next door to Fairy Tale Nails where I had a pedicure. While doing this I got to spend time with my twin nieces. It's always a treat to spend that time getting pampered and the girls that work there always do a fantastic job, including one of my nieces. If you happen to be down that way make sure you schedule some pampering time.
Saturday was a fish fry at my oldest sister's home, I think there was around 30 of us there. The food was great and the time spent with the family was even better. After dark all the musicians put on a show for us. We enjoyed their playing even if most of them would call themselves armatures, they were pretty good to listen to.
Sunday was another big day at my other sister's house. Ham, turkey, and all the trimmings were served that day. We spent lots of time in the pool, eating and talking.
Monday, the 4th, was the traditional hamburger/hot dog meal. Our theme this year was the 40's. We had 4 nieces turn 40 this year. We had ration stamps and every one had to purchase their dinner with their stamps. The games were based on the Minute to Win it show. They were pretty hard to do and lots of fun.
Tuesday Greg, Daniel, Larissa, Dixie and I headed down to Alligator Point FL, where we rented a house for 2 nights. It was wonderful. We saw dolphins, sharks, tarpon, and I saw a sea otter. We caught lots of fish, catfish (we threw back), trout, a scrod, a sting ray and Daniel picked up a hermit crab out in the water. I found a complete sand dollar and Dixie found lots of shells. The water is pretty calm there so we stayed out in water for about 4 hours at a time. We followed our vacation rule and only ate at local places. Hamaknockers was a great BBQ restaurant, we also ate at Posey's Oyster Bar and Steam Room. It was alright.
Thursday we headed back to Daniel's and spent a couple of nights with him. On Friday we went to Palatka FL to look up the grave that my great aunt's, whom I was named after, grave. I had my suspicions confirmed that my name is not spelled like her's was. My name is Luler and her's was Lula. Apparently every one called her Luler. Oh well.
On the way home on Saturday, coming up I75 we stopped at both the Florida State Farmer's market and a Georgia State Farmer's market in Cordele GA. We only bought watermelons at the Florida one, 3 for $5. At the GA one we bought peaches $13 a box, tomatoes, potatoes, and more watermelons for $1 each. The peaches & watermelons are yummmmmmyyyyy!
It was a great vacation! Can't wait til next year.