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Friday, August 24, 2012

Exciting News

Our local area has a store called Dollar Tree, I am sure you are familiar with it.  It's one of those stores where everything is a dollar (some items are even less than a dollar.)  I had heard that they were going to start accepting manufacture's coupons on the 26th of August.  So, today at lunch I decided to mosey on over there and find out if our store was one of the ones that would start accepting coupons.  And guess what, they are!!

I've shopped her plenty of times so I did a little shopping. While I was shopping I noticed that they are carrying more national brands than I had seen before.  Some of them are things that I don't normally see coupons on but some of them will be pretty good deals with a coupon. Here are a few things I saw:

Hunts Ketchup
Musselman's pie filling (apple)
Wylers drink mix
Ice Breakers gum

This would be a good place to start checking out for groceries more often. I usually go there for other things. But will definitely start checking out the deals more often.

Somethings I like to get there often are plastic storage container, storage bins, candles, etc.

They do have a coupon policy you can see it here:

Happy shopping.


  1. I can't wait to get to eastman to the dollar tree!! i am excited about this!

  2. It is pretty exciting! You do have to watch the coupons and make sure Dollar Tree has the size listed on the coupon. But most things seemed to work.
