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Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Most of you know from previous years that I do not make New Year’s resolutions.  I do however set goals.  As the old saying goes “It’s better to aim at something and miss, than to aim at nothing and hit the target.”  So my goal for this year is to name or count one blessing per day.  I am a believer in the fact that we miss our blessings because we aren’t looking for them.  I have to admit that sometimes it’s easy to feel like things aren’t going your way or things aren’t like you’d want them to be.  But most of the time it’s because we aren’t looking at what God has blessed us with.  Blessings are offered to us every day, even if it is just waking up everyday.  But there are far more blessings that we receive daily other than our food, warm home, life, etc.  

I will probably not be posting my blessings daily because I just don’t post every day.  But I am going to attempt to keep a list of blessings each day so that I can look back at the end of the year and see the blessings that I was aware of through out the year.  I want 2013 to be a year of blessings, even though when you look at the economy and the current events of this world, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be.   I am thankful that we don’t know the future but we know the One who does. And in Him we can place our trust for our futures.

Blessings so far:
Jan 1 The past year.  It wasn’t always a good year, but it was good more than it was bad.  Past years are what makes us who we are and teach us what we want to be.  Mistakes were made and always will be, but that is how we learn.
Jan 2. A New Year. It’s almost like having a new beginning. It’s a chance to make changes, improvements and corrections because of what you learned in years past.

Blessings to you,

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