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Thursday, August 29, 2013


Things are beginning to get back to normal around our house.  We have a new and improved back door. Now someone is going to have to work real hard to kick in our back door. And they are going to have do it out in the open where people driving by can see them doing it.  Our insurance has paid us so now all we have to do is try to replace some of the items that were stolen. Some just aren't replaceable.  I know I could go buy more jewelry but it just doesn't mean anything when you buy it for yourself.

I have recently discovered something new (to me, anyway). If you text DEALS to 28767, you get a text back with a coupon code for Family Dollar's deal of the day.  Now that I work in the county that I live in Family Dollar is 2 minutes down the road.  I can go on my lunch hour and get the deal.  Yesterday the deal was $2 off Angel Soft tp, today it was $2 off Sparkle paper towels which were on sale for $4.45 for 6 rolls. That made them $2.45+tax.  I haven't tried it yet but since this is a store coupon I would think a manufacturers coupon would work with that coupon.  My Sparkle coupons were expired. But that is less than $.44 per roll even with taxes. That's a darn good deal.  Since we don't use many paper towels they will last us at least 6 months.  The Angel Soft turned out to be $.30 cents per roll.  I don't think that's the cheapest I ever got it, but still a good deal. If you sign up for their emails they send you an email every day telling you what the deal of the day is and you can decide if you want to text or not.

Our garden was pretty much a bust this year.  We are finally eating tomatoes and we got squash one mess of green beans, some peppers and cabbage. The deer got everything else.

We have started feeding the bees. It's been pretty dry around here so not enough pollen for them. Now that the sunflowers are blooming they are crawling with bees. Hopefully we will have a wetter fall and the goldenrods will bloom a lot.

I am planning to have a yard sale when our community has theirs in September so I am going thru stuff to get rid of. Hopefully I can find enough stuff to make a few bucks.

I am getting ready for fall and thinking about Christmas. Got to get the shopping done soon so I am not having to do that close to Christmas.

Have a great day,

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