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Wednesday, March 9, 2011


One time when I was maybe 5 or so, daddy took me fishing. I remember that it was on a Saturday. I don’t remember where all the rest of the kids were but, I know that my next to the oldest brother, Bill was at work. The rest of the kids could have been fishing with us or they may have been somewhere with their friends. I just remember going fishing at the pond across the dirt road next to the house. It was the first memory I have of actually catching fish. I caught 3 and that was all the fish that was caught. Daddy and I took them home and cleaned them and put them in the fridge.

Then Mama, Daddy & me went to town, grocery shopping. I was really excited about mama cooking those 3 fish for me for dinner that night. I could almost taste them. And the thought of having 3 fish all to myself was almost more than I could stand. You see we were a large family living on a very small budget and we didn’t get a whole lot of meat, very little desserts or candy, and not many snacks.

When we got home I ran in the front door and Bill was sitting at the table eating. He had cooked my 3 fish (probably because it was the only thing to eat in the house), and was eating them! I couldn’t believe it! He ate my fish! All three of them!

Of course, it was really hard to stay mad at Bill; after all he was my chair! I sat in his lap to eat dinner, we didn’t have enough chairs, and to ride in the car when we all went somewhere together. So, I guess I owed him those 3 fish.

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