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Thursday, March 6, 2014


We are having a warm spell and the sun is shinning!!! How happy I am! This seems to be the longest winter I have ever lived through. According to the Farmer's Almanac we are still due for some snow flurries towards the end of the month but April is supposed to be about 5° higher than normal.  Can I say I was excited to read that?

The sunshine today has me looking forward to gardening, opening the pool, barbequing, sitting on the porch swing, and just being outside. I can't wait.

In a couple of weeks we will be making a trip to Florida to help my son and his family move back up here. Just another reason to be excited.

The Weekly money challenge is still going well. I haven't put anything in this week because my pay was held up by the University. Thankfully we had enough in savings to cover until I did get paid but the money that was leftover in our envelopes was used until I could replace it.  Hopefully I will be able to put extra in this week.

We are also in the process of trying to refinance our house. This will be $130 a month cheaper on our house payment and save us 5 years off of our mortgage.  Just the 5 years will save over $78,000. With the lower payment that will be a savings of over $100,000 over the life of the loan. Woohoo!

Lots of blessings today!

Have a great day!

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